The DDD Design Committee is a sub-committee of the DDD established by the Hammond City Council in 2002. The Design Committee plays a key role in shaping the physical image of Main Street as a place attractive to shoppers, investors, business owners, and visitors. The committee educates independent businesses, property owners and civic leaders on the Main Street approach for physical improvements to buildings, businesses and public improvements.
The Design Committee is a volunteer group that typically meets the 1st Thursday of each month 9 am in the City Council Chambers. 312 E. Charles St. Hammond LA 70401. Design Committee members are appointed to serve 2 year terms
The Design Committee monitors all renovations and new construction projects OUTSIDE the Historic District but INSIDE the DDD. If you fall in this category, you must submit plans to the Design Committee before construction begins.
The City of Hammond, Louisiana was chartered in 1889 and has enjoyed steady growth since that time. The majority of the city's oldest buildings are located in the downtown area. Preservation of these historic areas is very important to the overall quality of life in Hammond, as the downtown provides a center for continually expanding boundaries that provides a visual link with the past in addition to a unique character that cannot be duplicated by new construction.
The Hammond Historic District Commission (HHDC) is a citizens' commission whose seven members have experience in history, design, architecture, or education. The Commission reviews plans for work within the historic district and sees that new proposals are consistent with the Historic and Architectural Design Guidelines. The Commission also provides advice and consultation regarding renovation, restoration, and new signage to safeguard the character and historic integrity of the district.
The Historic District Commission monitors all renovation projects in the core of Downtown Hammond (The Historic District). If you fall in this category, you must submit plans to the Historic District Commission for any signage changes, or changes to the building.
There are many perks to doing business and developing in the Hammond Downtown Development District. State and Federal Historic tax credit still exist for qualifying projects as well as two Hammond DDD established incentives, the Facade Grant Program and the Revolving Loan Program. All of these options encourage the renovation and improvement of the district’s existing buildings, as well as promote and encourage new business and development.