The Front Porch Project - Hammond began as a collaboration between Kali Norton & the Hammond Downtown Development District, in an effort to highlight Downtown Hammond's incredible small business owners and their families. The goal: to "highlight the humans" behind each and every unique small business in our district ... showing folks that when they support local businesses, they also support local families and community members.
The outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020 had been nothing short of challenging. And here in #DowntownHammond, we knew we had to find a way to uplift each other AND support local businesses -- while also staying socially distant! After some research, we found a campaign called #TheFrontStepsProject. So we decided to bring it to #DowntownHammond!
First, we teamed up with Kali Norton: one of #DowntownHammond's only studio photographers. She roamed the streets of Hammond for several weeks, snapping away. Her expertise behind the camera produced the amazing photos you see below.
Special thanks to the #TheFrontPorchProjectNOLA for their inspiration and collaboration on this project -- as well as the original idea from #TheFrontStepsProject.
All social media photos can be found here.