Looking to open a new business Downtown? Update your current business? Interested in financial options?
The Hammond Downtown Development District has resources like funding, marketing tools, design and historic renovation guidelines and data and demographics to help both new and existing business and property owners.
We support the business though efforts like:
Providing revolving loans and facade grants to business and property owners.
Partnering with the City of Hammond to improve sidewalks, parking lots, and landscaping throughout the district.
Hosting events that funnel new faces and dollars into the district like: Hot August Stroll, Starry Saturday, Trick-or-Treat, Shop Business Saturday and more.
Promote the arts and culture of the district through the Cultural District run through the state office of Cultural Development.
Work to advertise and fill vacant land and buildings.
Send newsletters to keep you in the know with road/parking closures and construction, grant opportunities, etc.